Thoughts, work in progress

Missing Me???

Or have you even noticed I've been gone? Are you following me on social media???? You should be! I'm on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Etsy too! Follow me and see what I've been up to! I had been doing so well  for about 6/7 months, writing consistently and sharing my artwork with anyone who reads… Continue reading Missing Me???

Arts and Crafts, colored pencil, drawing, Food art, Illustration

Green Pepper

I need to go back and add something to this. The colors that are in the shadow under the pepper should be IN the pepper itself. The darks are not dark enough, if that makes sense. Fellow artists, you understand. So, while I have work in progress shots of this piece, and I've signed it… Continue reading Green Pepper

colored pencil, drawing


So as I wads looking through all my photos for the ones to use for this post, I realized I really didn't take any work in progress shots for this! LAME! So I have a few as well as a list of the pencils that I used so I suppose this will just be an… Continue reading Tomato

colored pencil, drawing, Illustration

Apples in Basket

Well, it has definitely been quite a while since I've posted anything. Summer has been fun, lazy and busy all at the same time. I've been working on this picture off an on for a while. I had a commission I was doing while also trying to finish this. I'm using Strathmore Colored Pencil Paper,… Continue reading Apples in Basket

colored pencil, drawing

Snail #2

So far I've only drawn two snails. Four ladybugs, two snails. I had big plans, big plans. I was going to do four snails to go along with the amount of ladybugs. Then I got bored and wanted to do other things. Story of my creative life. I am really glad to be back into… Continue reading Snail #2

Food art, Paintings, work in progress

Thyme in Acrylic

I continued on my theme of herbs for my next two paintings. I'm not sure if I will keep it up or not, now. I thought I would make it into a whole series, but now I'm not so sure. Sometimes I get bored with the same thing over and over. Who knows, I may… Continue reading Thyme in Acrylic